in your advertising.

Whoever's interested in your offer,
needs your contact information.

This is how it worked until now:

  • Read or listen and remember contact details?
    There are often too many and difficult to do.
    But it works with Quicklink!

  • Copy contact details?
    Who has a pen and paper handy??
    It is not necessary with Quicklink..

  • Take a photo of the contact details?
    Good idea if you have time.

  • Scan QR code?
    Great when available and difficult when the ad moves.

Everything's really complicated!

It´s smarter with Quicklink.

  • See or hear and remember a Quicklink

  • Introduce it in the App and done!

Who needs Quicklink?

Everyone who, makes advertisement:
- small companies, self-employed
- middle-sized companies

- societies, institutions, clubs

Honestly, are your contact details easy to remember?
Your Quicklink does.

Everyone who needs contact details:
- from a car with advertising
- from a offer on a large poster
- from a offer on a radio ad
- from a flyer with long, complicated contact details

Quicklink belongs in every advertising!

On flyers, posters, business cards,
car lettering, signs, in radio- and TV advertisements, E-Mail signatures and websites.

Quicklink is easy to share and easy to use
Quicklink creates contacts - you can check it out.
